Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a business registered in Malawi and/or in the process of registration. 
  • Must be a start-up or post-revenue company.
  • Must be distributing or willing to distribute Alternative Energy and Fuel-Efficient Cooking Technologies (AEFCT) products that are commercially viable and provide an alternative to illegal charcoal in Malawi primarily, they include technologies that are more fuel efficient and those that provide an alternative energy source to illegally and unsustainable charcoal. Improved technology products include the actual energy efficient product as well as the cooking fuel: e.g., locally produced fuel efficient Jiko charcoal stoves and cooking fuels such as LPG, briquettes, gasifiers, pellets and sustainable charcoal
  • Demonstrate capacity and dedication to scale the business and demonstrate sound financial performance/practices.
  • Deliver products, services, and business models that create jobs within the community.
  • Have the founder(s) fulltime involved in the business or plan to be fulltime in the next 6 months.
  • Innovative and want to scale their business.
  • The business has an ambitious and dedicated team.
  • All Applicants are required to obtain a unique entity ID through the sam.gov website. mHub and Tetra Tech will assist all applicants in obtaining Entity ID. Awards will not be issued until the conditions are met.
  • The business must be based in the following districts; Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Zomba.

Selection Criteria

  • The business should align with the Alternative Energy and Fuel-Efficient Cooking Technologies (AEFCT) sector.
  • Demonstrate social impact to the community.
  • Ability and potential for the business to scale.
  • Must have an existing or demonstrate the willingness to display a working business structure and financial system in their business Degree of innovation/differentiation.
  • Build inclusivity through increased livelihood, employment, and income-generating opportunities for the community—Especially for women and youth.
  • Ability to rightly absorb and deploy the co-financing and other forms of financing (Note: This may not be applicable to new entrants)
  • Openness and eagerness to receive external input into the business (incl. investors, mentors, business support specialists etc.)